Browse Items (19 total)

1830_Scott_Wood to Anny_DB 3_585.jpg

1830_Winchester_Bent to John_DB 9_345.jpg

1830_Chesterfield_Harris to Setty et al_WB 11_637.jpg

1830_Bath_Brown to Harry_WB 4_39.jpg

1830_Tazewell_Steel to Isaac Tate_DB 5_128.jpg

1830_Madison_Chapman to Neal_DB 11_253.jpg

1830_Rockbridge_Allen to Robert_DB_R_82.jpg

1830_Halifax_Stevens to Mary_Will Book 15_307-8.jpg
Manumission of Mary and Catharine through the last will of John Stevens of Halifax County, VA

1830_Pittsylvania_Arthur to Chavis_Deed_31_552.jpg

1830_Pittsylvania_Aruthur to Milly & Nancy_DB 30_561.jpg
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