Browse Items (32 total)


1796_Chesterfield_Robertson to Tom_WB 5_195.jpg

1798_Bath_Donnelly to Betty_WB 1_116.jpg

1798_Bath_Massingbird to Lewis_WB 1_115.jpg

1798_Prince Edward_Thackston to Ben_DB 11_212.jpg

1798_Nottoway_Vaughn to Thomas Todd_DB 2_84.jpg

1798_Dinwiddie_Brown to Sarah_loose wills_1 of 3.jpg

1798_Powhatan_Maxey to Cyrus_DB 2_443.jpg

1798_Powhatan_Maxey to Hanner_DB 2_442.jpg

1798_Powhatan_Smith to Edward, et al_DB 2_442.jpg
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