Browse Items (24 total)

1796_Bath_Massingberd to Cesar et al_DB 1_285.jpg

1796_Greensville_Pelham to Dick, et al_DB 2_368.jpg

1796_Montgomery_McPherson to Jueben_DB B_227.jpg

1796_Brunswick_Curtis_WB 6_56.jpg

1796_Powhatan_Crump to Rachel, et al_DB 2_255.jpg

1796_Powhatan_Harris to Lucinda_DB 2_215.jpg

1796_Powhatan_Harris to Rachel, et al_DB 2_214.jpg

1796_Goochland_Randolph to Nanny_DB 17_102.jpg

1796_Goochland_Randolph to Juba_DB 17_101.jpg

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