Browse Items (27 total)

1857_Wythe_Zimmerman to Martha et al_WB 8_104.jpg

1857_Wythe_Fulton to Andrew Edwards_DB 21_24.jpg

1857_Wythe_Walker to Charles Walker_DB 20_707.jpg

1856_Wythe_Phelps to John_DB 20_626.jpg

1856_Wythe_Crocket to slaves_ WB 1_23.jpg

1852_Wythe_Sayers to Leander_DB 19_239.jpg

1852_Wythe_Sayers to Anslem Lynch_DB 19_162.jpg

1852_Wythe_Sanders to Laban Sims_DB 19_163.jpg

1852_Wythe_Sayers to Granville_DB 19_67.jpg

1851_Wythe_Sayers to Corolomon_DB 18_544.jpg
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