Browse Items (8 total)

1859_Nelson_Ditton to all slaves_WB K 93.jpg

1841_Nelson_Lewis to Washington & Susan_WB F_167.jpg

1824_Nelson_Norris to Frankey_1824_WB C_214.jpg

1823_Nelson_White to Eliston_DB 4_499.jpg

1822_Nelson_Tease to Milly, et al_WB C_27.jpg

1859_Nelson_Read to Stephen_Deed book 15_372 - Copy.jpg
Deed of manumission to Stephen, Jane, Bluford, Stephen, Lizzy, and Sam from Samuel Read of Nelson County, VA

Burton to Lucy et al_Page_1.jpg
Manumission of Lucy, Alexander, Ottey, and Polly Rose through the last will & testament of James Halley Burton of Nelson Co, VA

1811_Nelson Co - Book 1 - Pg 304-305 Rose to Christian Floyd - cropped.jpg
Deed of manumission to Christian Floyd and Sarah Floyd from Patrick Rose of Nelson County, VA
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