Browse Items (40 total)

1792_Goochland_Parsons et al to Silvia et al_DB 17_198.jpg

1793_Goochland_Webb to Betty_DB 16_244.jpg

1793_Goochland_Meachum to Harry_DB 16_252.jpg

1794_Goochland_Massie to James_DB 16_287.jpg

1794_Goochland_Mosby to Brisco_DB 16_288.jpg

1794_Goochland_Pleasants to Cupid_DB 16_416.jpg

1795_Goochland_Freeman to Molly_DB 16_446.jpg

1795_Goochland_Woodson_DB 16_484.jpg

1796_Goochland_Randolph to Juba_DB 17_101.jpg

1796_Goochland_Randolph to Nanny_DB 17_102.jpg
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